Performance Company

Denton City Contemporary Ballet

The Denton City Contemporary Ballet (DCCB) is a Texas 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation founded in 1989 by its Artistic Director, Lisa Racina-Torre. The company’s mission is to enrich the community, provide youth outreach, and promote professional development. DCCB sponsors the Annual COLLAGE Denton Dance Festival, the “A Gift for Emma” production, the Denton City Contemporary Ballet Summer Study Scholarship, the Community Master Class Series, and the DCCB Educational Touring Program. These events bring together guest choreographers, companies, and artists, as well as world-renowned dancers and instructors, to provide training and entertainment to the community.

“The purpose of Denton City Contemporary Ballet is to promote the richness, artistry, and discipline of classical and contemporary dance performance, to encourage the creation and performance of new choreographic works, and to provide the opportunity for apprenticeship to young dancers and choreographers.”   -Lisa Racina-Torre, Founder/Artistic Director

Important Dates Parent Interest Meetings

  • Saturday, April 26th, 2025 at 12 noon:  Company Interest Parent Meeting at DDC

Annual Auditions

  • Saturday, May 17, 2025

Fill out the form below prior to May 17.  Just a few reminders: These are closed auditions, which means there are no parents allowed in the audition room. Please remember that your dancer is to wear all black, pink tights, and hair in a bun. We want to make this process as stress-free as possible, to help us with this, make sure that you arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled audition time, this will give your dancer time to breathe, grab their number and continue to warm themselves up.

Fill Out Form

  • Ages 10-11, 11:00 am-12:00 pm at DDC’s Studio A (Dancers arrive by 10:30 am to warm up)
  • Ages 12-14, 12:00-1:00 pm at DDC’s Studio A (Dancers arrive by 11:30 am to warm up)
  • Ages 15-18, 1:00-2:00 pm at DDC’s Studio A (Dancers arrive by 12:30pm to warm up)
Thank you for contacting us!

Send us by completing the form below and someone will get back to you shortly!